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10552013-02-17How to add alt attribute for all img tags in html files automatically?Advanced search and replace3748
10092012-10-01How to copy a specific file to all sub-folders?Advanced search and replace3045
9472012-05-18How to join two files line by line with comma as separator?Advanced search and replace2974
9462012-05-17How to remove everything between the products and the last slash in each line?Regular expression replace4332
9362012-04-13How to batch rename last part of filenames to the strings from a file?Batch file rename4448
9102012-01-28How to search and replace multiple files with rules different in sequence number?Replace text in multiple files3283
8492011-09-05How to search all jpg files in subfolders and copy to a new folder?Advanced search and replace4337
3992010-01-18How to batch download images from some html pages and rename all?Batch download4442
3332009-05-17How to replace all the words 'TEMPLATE.jpg' with 001.jpg, 002.jpg, 003.jpg, ... respectively?Advanced search and replace2688
2472008-08-12Is there a way to batch rename files with all letters reversed, like abcd.txt to dcba.txt?Batch file rename3762
2332008-07-24How to make an http address sequence with 2 variables increasing at the same time?Advanced search and replace2850
2032008-06-26How to batch rename files from format like TEST_2008_06_22_ABC.TXT to 20080622.TXT?Batch file rename3418
1982008-06-22Is there any way that I can rename all my files by changing first letter to upper case?Batch file rename3516
1252008-05-17How to change all AXXX.jpg to A(XXX+100).jpg in a text file?Advanced search and replace2648
982008-05-14How to make html tags for image file list automatically?Advanced search and replace3641

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